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Participation in martial arts reduces aggression in children and is naturally beneficial for aggressive kids. And the more time a youngster spends in martial arts, the fewer aggressive tendencies they have. Martial arts help students more control over their emotions. It also helps that martial arts programs create a safe and predictable setting with a consistent schedule, which helps students become less irritated (and hence less aggressive) when they reach their cognitive capacity

The best martial art for kids is Muay Thai. But, as a parent, you might be struggling to understand how a child actually gains the benefits if there is a lot of kicking and punching. Learning to be patient comes by breaking down routines as different movements take effort and time to master. It helps for children to take out excess energy, helps to emphasize self-control, increase body and mind coordination, improve overall behavior and discipline. Muay Thai is known as the best striking martial art in the world, translating to “Thai boxing”. It has a reputation of being one of the more violent forms of martial arts and because of this, parents sometimes avoid enrolling their children in a Muay Thai class. Muay Thai is also one of the easier forms of martial art to learn, as it teaches an effective stand-up striking style that doesn’t involve too many complicated movements your child has to memorize.

The best age for a child to start martial arts is ages 7-10. At this age, they are more likely to stick with it and have the maturity and focus to learn the techniques better. A teenager is not too old to start martial arts, and children start and stop classes throughout an entire year, so there will always be new students in every age range. Children don’t grow at the same rate, children can start a martial arts class when they can see a different between right and left, developed social skills, understanding language, able to change their behavior depending on the situation. Signs that it is still early to start a martial art if the kid skips from one activity to the next without any reason. Has no basic understanding of the consequences of behavior. Looks unconscious of the surrounding and fails to understand other children’s feelings.

Traditional Muay Thai does not have a ranking system, which means that it does not have belts.

There are lots more physical, mental and social benefits of training martial arts. Many of these are important for life outside the gym as well as in training. They focus on individual growth, not on team competition. Many kids with learning and attention issues struggle with the pressure of having to compete with other kids. So traditional sports may not appeal to them. But in martial arts, the focus is on self-improvement. Kids must stay focused to learn and to perform. Martial arts focus on engaging the mind as well as the body. They emphasize respect, self-control, focus and individual achievement.

Martial Arts kids



A full-contact combat sport that allows striking and grappling, both standing and on the ground, using techniques from various combat sports and martial arts.

Martial Arts describes a number of different disciplines used for combat, sport and self-defence that incorporate striking, grappling and takedowns.


There are lots more physical, mental and social benefits of training martial arts. Many of these are important for life outside the gym as well as in training. They focus on individual growth, not on team competition. Many kids with learning and attention issues struggle with the pressure of having to compete with other kids. So traditional sports may not appeal to them. But in martial arts, the focus is on self-improvement. Kids must stay focused to learn and to perform. Martial arts focus on engaging the mind as well as the body. They emphasize respect, self-control, focus and individual achievement.

Martial arts is a positive, healthy activity for your kids. Each discipline requires different skills and techniques. He might prefer one over the other. Muay Thai is an excellent martial art for your kids. “The art of eight limbs” use knees, elbows, throws, sweeps, and the clinch. Your kids will learn self-control because they spar. Muay Thai have amazing effects on the physical and mental health of both children and adults. It can also teach your children important skills such as self-defense, discipline, and confidence, and its also just a lot of fun. Kids will get a full-body workout, improve their coordination, reflexes, endurance, flexibility, balance and agility. Staying fit and active will help them feel better in their day-to-day lives as they have more energy for school and other activities.

Karate is a fantastic discipline for boys, it enables them while learning to defend themselves, to build their fitness, coordination and strength. Karate will channel those children full of energy and bring confidence to strengthen their personality.

Staying alert is one of the major lessons that martial art teaches to girls. When a person stays alert all the time, they will not get caught in the surprise. When you search for martial arts you will get thousands of results, some martial arts bring more benefits than the others. Muay Thai is very effective against close combat. This martial art has various techniques and knowledge. One must go through all of them to learn how to damage the opponent without taking any injuries. It takes years to learn the core principle of Muay Thai to cause damage without taking one on your body. For self-defense, Muay Thai will provide its usefulness, it is made for street fighting.

Karate offers girls an opportunity to build their self-confidence so that they have the best chances in life. Girls have a keen eye for attention to detail and karate really enables them to excel because of this. Needing control and intelligence to win a fight, not just power or brawn.

The best martial art for kids is Muay Thai. But, as a parent, you might be struggling to understand how a child actually gains the benefits if there is a lot of kicking and punching. Learning to be patient comes by breaking down routines as different movements take effort and time to master. It helps for children to take out excess energy, helps to emphasize self-control, increase body and mind coordination, improve overall behavior and discipline. Muay Thai is known as the best striking martial art in the world, translating to “Thai boxing”. It has a reputation of being one of the more violent forms of martial arts and because of this, parents sometimes avoid enrolling their children in a Muay Thai class. Muay Thai is also one of the easier forms of martial art to learn, as it teaches an effective stand-up striking style that doesn’t involve too many complicated movements your child has to memorize.

Karate is a great foundation for children who have not previously done any martial arts. Our karate coach has extensive experience in all martial arts we offer and will guide children to understand and see which martial arts they enjoy and which ones they will get the most from.

Staying alert is one of the major lessons that martial art teaches to girls. When a person stays alert all the time, they will not get caught in the surprise. When you search for martial arts you will get thousands of results, some martial arts bring more benefits than the others. Muay Thai is very effective against close combat. This martial art has various techniques and knowledge. One must go through all of them to learn how to damage the opponent without taking any injuries. It takes years to learn the core principle of Muay Thai to cause damage without taking one on your body. For self-defense, Muay Thai will provide its usefulness, it is made for street fighting.

Karate enables children to build a great foundation in martial arts and this means they can start as young as three years old. Children of all ages are encouraged to try karate and experience what it offers them personally. The syllabus enables continual growth and enables life-long learning and is a great opportunity to gain skills, to set them up for the future, no matter what their age.

A teenager is not too old to start martial arts, and children start and stop classes throughout an entire year, so there will always be new students in every age range. Children don’t grow at the same rate, children can start a martial arts class when they can see a different between right and left, developed social skills, understanding language, able to change their behavior depending on the situation. Signs that it is still early to start a martial art if the kid skips from one activity to the next without any reason. Has no basic understanding of the consequences of behavior. Looks unconscious of the surrounding and fails to understand other children’s feelings.

In Karate a child’s hard work and progress is recognised through the grading syllabus where stripes are awarded on their belts. These stripes are for regular attendance and effort in the classes. They also show that a child knows their grading movements and sequences and can perform them to the best of their ability. Once three stripes are achieved the student can grade to the next belt. The belts are numbered from 12th kyū (kyū is a Japanese term used to designate grades) which is White Belt and working up to 1st kyū; Red White & Blue Stripe Belt, which is the final belt before Black.  Think of it as; when your child starts they are 12th in queue for Black Belt. 

Traditional Muay Thai does not have a ranking system, which means that it does not have belts.

No matter which martial art your kid chooses to learn, you can be sure that they’ll learn to be respectful, respecting your teacher, it’s also important to respect your teammates. Also one of the main benefits of learning a martial arts is that it builds confidence. If your child struggles with self-esteem, it’s a great idea to put them in a martial arts class. While martial arts generally involve punching, kicking and throwing, classes are controlled environments and instructor pay close attention to members to make sure they do it in a safe way. In any good martial arts gym, sparring is light and technical, and it’s unacceptable to try to hurt your training partners. While martial arts are generally not team sports as they are performed alone in competition, training involves a lot of teamwork. And of course a huge benefit of any sport for your child is that they’ll keep active.

Keeping your head up after a tough session, a loss or a setback, teaches valuable life lessons and builds self-confidence, commitment and dedication.

Martial arts have amazing effects on the physical and mental health of children. They can also teach your children important life skills such as self-defense, teamwork, discipline, and confidence, and they’re also just a lot of fun. You’ll find self-disciplined children are easier to guide when it comes to proper nutrition, too. Your children will be more willing to listen and obey once you explain the benefits of eating lots of veggies and avoiding junk food. If they are struggling with weight problems, you’ll also find it easier to maintain the proper diet and exercise regime for them. Their martial arts lessons will naturally help in keeping them physically fit as well.

Martial arts is a positive, healthy activity for your kids. Each discipline requires different skills and techniques. He might prefer one over the other. Muay Thai is an excellent martial art for your kids. “The art of eight limbs” use knees, elbows, throws, sweeps, and the clinch. Your kids will learn self-control because they spar. Muay Thai have amazing effects on the physical and mental health of both children and adults. It can also teach your children important skills such as self-defense, discipline, and confidence, and its also just a lot of fun. Kids will get a full-body workout, improve their coordination, reflexes, endurance, flexibility, balance and agility. Staying fit and active will help them feel better in their day-to-day lives as they have more energy for school and other activities.

Participation in martial arts reduces aggression in children and is naturally beneficial for aggressive kids. And the more time a youngster spends in martial arts, the fewer aggressive tendencies they have. Martial arts help students more control over their emotions. It also helps that martial arts programs create a safe and predictable setting with a consistent schedule, which helps students become less irritated (and hence less aggressive) when they reach their cognitive capacity

Martial arts have amazing effects on the physical and mental health of children. They can also teach your children important life skills such as self-defense, teamwork, discipline, and confidence, and they’re also just a lot of fun. You’ll find self-disciplined children are easier to guide when it comes to proper nutrition, too. Your children will be more willing to listen and obey once you explain the benefits of eating lots of veggies and avoiding junk food. If they are struggling with weight problems, you’ll also find it easier to maintain the proper diet and exercise regime for them. Their martial arts lessons will naturally help in keeping them physically fit as well.

No matter which martial art your kid chooses to learn, you can be sure that they’ll learn to be respectful, respecting your teacher, it’s also important to respect your teammates. Also one of the main benefits of learning a martial arts is that it builds confidence. If your child struggles with self-esteem, it’s a great idea to put them in a martial arts class. While martial arts generally involve punching, kicking and throwing, classes are controlled environments and instructor pay close attention to members to make sure they do it in a safe way. In any good martial arts gym, sparring is light and technical, and it’s unacceptable to try to hurt your training partners. While martial arts are generally not team sports as they are performed alone in competition, training involves a lot of teamwork. And of course a huge benefit of any sport for your child is that they’ll keep active.

Age group 8 – 10 years old for 1 hour class

Brazilian JIU JITSU is a martial art and combat sport system that focuses on grappling with particular emphasis on ground fighting. Brazilian jiu-jitsu was formed from Kodokan judo ground fighting fundamentals.

Age group 11 – 15 years old for 1 hour class

Brazilian jiu-jitsu eventually came to be its own combat sport when mainstream Judo grew towards becoming an Olympic sport as well as through the innovations, practices, and adaptation of judo, jujutsu and wrestling.

Age group 3 – 4 years old for 45 minutes class

Karate is predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palm-heel strikes. Historically, and in some modern styles, grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints and vital-point strikes are also taught. Karate will teach you great discipline and control of body and mind.

Age group 5 – 10 years old for 1 hour class

Karate is predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palm-heel strikes. Historically, and in some modern styles, grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints and vital-point strikes are also taught. Karate will teach you great discipline and control of body and mind.

Age group 11 – 16 years old for 1 hour class

Karate is predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palm-heel strikes. Historically, and in some modern styles, grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints and vital-point strikes are also taught. Karate will teach you great discipline and control of body and mind.

Age group 6 – 10 years old for 1 hour class

Muay Thai is a combat sport of Thailand that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques.This discipline is known as the “art of eight limbs” as it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins.

Age group 11 – 15 years old for 1 hour class

Muay Thai became widespread internationally in the 20th century, when practitioners from Thailand began competing in kickboxing, mixed rules matches, as well as matches under Muay Thai rules around the world.

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