- Coach Denis (Weightlifting Coach)

Tips to Weightlifting

A) Discipline, is one of the key defining factors to your success with weightlifting. Progress can be slow and achieving your key goals will take time. As you exert your discipline, you are able to refine all slight movements and timings to achieve the perfect lift. It can have moments where it gets boring, but consistency and discipline will garner great results. 

B)  Focusing on technique, is a very poignant part of Olympic Weightlifting. You spend weeks, months, even years repeating the same drills over and over again. This may appear to be useless at first, but it will help you with your speed, mobility and also build your confidence for those truly heavy lifts. With the right coach and lifting program, you will see the development and growth of your training as you focus more and more on your technique.

C) Respect every single session, enjoy the training you have chosen to do. Some days you will have good and bad days, but with consistency and hard work, your results will show. 

D) Build the strength, This is a simple statement but takes years of refining. It is important to not race this process. You need to build your strength at a steady and manageable pace to ensure that there is minimal risk of injury, your lifting is of good quality and inline with what your body can do and lift. 


To become a better weightlifter its about sacrificing your timing and focusing on good training, good planning and believing in yourself. Weights are not scary if you know how to lift them, and anyone is able to lift.

Tips to Weightlifting